Total Medals Earned: 7,845 (From 681 different games.) Total Medal Score: 128,495 Points
Medals Earned: 5/5 (175/175 points)
Looks more like it...
You accomplished your mission, and suffered the consequences.
You failed your mission, and suffered the consequences.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 7/7 (335/335 points)
Kill 10 bugs in one round
Your First Kill
Kill 50 bugs in one round
Kill 100 bugs in one round
Kill 2 bugs in one shot
Kill 130 bugs in one round
Kill 3 bugs in one shot
Medals Earned: 17/20 (200/375 points)
Call in some friends for some massive mayhem.
You've got a pretty good basketball shot!
That's a pretty good kick!
Splat! She's flat for real now.
You have mastered the Tao of Darnell.
Like a Samurai Warrior!
Sometimes a change of scenery is nice.
Heeeeeeeeeeeere's you!
That there crowbar's fixed her up good!
Give the Shotgun a go!
You have crossed the moral event horizon.
You have mastered all the tools of your trade.
The rarest pokemon in Gensokyo.
Kill her 50 times.
Insane! That's over a 100 kills!
Do it like Shotgun Man
Medals Earned: 5/15 (30/370 points)
Kill the plumber 10 times
Check out
Like Kill the Plumber's page
Get stomped on level 1.
Beat level 12 under 5 seconds
Touch and kill the plumber on level 4
Kill the plumber 100 times.
Beat level 24
Beat level 36
Beat level 10 without jumping
Kill the plumber before timer runs out on level 23
Beat all Lost Levels
Get at least 108 stars
Get all 144 stars
Medals Earned: 2/7 (10/210 points)
Kill an animal
Tuturiel complete
Build a canon tower
Unlock tower defense
Kill all animals
Unlock all achievements
Finish the game
Medals Earned: 14/17 (185/435 points)
Gained the first time kiss. How does it feel kissing for the first time?
Canceled kissing 5 times before first kiss.
First time kiss with a wall. Does it feel strange?
Changed a color.
Checked the More Games.
Reached 2 kisses. A first kiss wasn't enough, was it?
Checked the Credit.
Reached 4 kisses. It's getting warm.
Kissed the wall 16 times. It hurts.
Reached 8 kisses. It's getting warmer.
Reached 16 kisses. It's getting hot.
Set all colors to pure black(R=0, G=0, B=0).
Kissed the wall 32 times. It hurts but somehow it gets exciting.
Kissed the wall 64 times. Well, that is strange...
Reached 32 kisses. It's getting too hot!
First kiss with all color sets to pure black(R=0, G=0, B=0).
Reached 64 kisses. It's getting lovely.
Medals Earned: 19/25 (625/1,000 points)
Discover 5 neutral reactions.
Terminate 5 specimens.
Use 1 appropriate item.
Do a total of 50 actions.
Kill 10 animals with your research.
Discover 5 aggressive reactions.
Feed 20 pounds of food to your specimen.
Fully research 1 specimen.
Use 1 preferred item.
Discover 5 passive reactions.
Cut 1 limb from your specimen.
Cut 4 limbs from your specimen.
Research all the techniques at least once.
Discover 40 passive reactions.
Try all the food items.
Discover 40 aggressive reactions.
Try all the objects.
Try all the weapons.
Find all the ways to kill or incapacitate the specimen.
Fully research 10 items.
Find all the ways to rip the specimen's jaw off.
Do a total of 1000 actions.
Discover 5 advanced reactions.
Discover 30 advanced reactions.
Reach 100% on your total completion statistic.
Medals Earned: 4/6 (65/215 points)
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
Stage 6
Medals Earned: 2/6 (15/215 points)
Complete 4 levels.
Complete 8 levels.
Complete 12 levels.
Complete 16 levels.
Complete 20 levels.
Complete 24 levels.
Medals Earned: 7/7 (205/205 points)
Complete level 1
Complete level 5
Complete level 10
Complete level 15
Complete level 20
Complete level 25
Complete level 30