Total Medals Earned: 7,845 (From 681 different games.) Total Medal Score: 128,495 Points
Medals Earned: 5/11 (100/380 points)
Get a single spade in a spin
Lose all your credits.
Win with three hearts.
Get 100 spins in a single game.
Win with 6 rows of cash.
Get two wilds in a single spin.
Reach $10,000 in credit.
Win with four angry faces.
Win with 5 rows of platinum bars.
Win the Jackpot
Win with 7 rows of diamonds
Medals Earned: 6/6 (95/95 points)
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 7/10 (175/475 points)
You scored 100 points!
You tapped the Walnut 100 times!
You scored 500 points!
You scored 1000 points!
You tapped the Walnut 500 times!
You tapped the Walnut 1000 times! Good Job!
You scored 5000 points!
You scored 10000 points! Amazing!
Woah! You tapped the Walnut 2500 times!
5000 Taps, Amazing! It might just break!
Medals Earned: 13/16 (135/310 points)
get a total score of 5000
finish the Capcom trivia
finish the Konami trivia
finish the Nintendo trivia
finish the Sega trivia
finish the SNK trivia
finish the SquareSoft trivia
start the game
get a total score of 10000
get a total score of 20000
get a total score of 30000
get a total score of 40000
Medals Earned: 3/6 (20/105 points)
answer 5 questions correctly
you have started the game
you have answered all 20 questions (correctly or incorrectly)
answer 10 questions correctly
answer 15 questions correctly
answer 20 questions correctly
Medals Earned: 9/14 (155/405 points)
Complete 1st mission
Complete 4th mission
Complete 6th mission
Complete 5th mission
Complete 2nd mission
Complete 3rd mission
Complete 8th mission
Complete 7th mission
Complete first five missions
Complete 10th mission
Complete 9th mission
Complete all missions (Any Difficulty)
Complete 11th mission
Complete all missions (Harder difficulty)
Medals Earned: 5/10 (60/260 points)
Play for the first time Unblocky
Get 500 points or more in Arcade Mode
Get 500 points or more in Traditional Mode
Get 500 points or more in Zen Mode
Get 1000 points or more in Arcade Mode
Get 1000 points or more in Traditional Mode
Get 1000 points or more in Zen Mode
Get 2500 points or more in Arcade Mode
Get 2500 points or more in Traditional Mode
Get 2500 points or more in Zen Mode
Medals Earned: 4/5 (90/190 points)
Travel 25m deep
Travel 50m deep
Travel 100m deep
Travel 150m deep
Travel 200m deep
Medals Earned: 5/5 (190/190 points)
score a height of 2
score a height of 10
score a height of 15
score a height of 20
score a height of 5
Medals Earned: 20/20 (500/500 points)
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