
GOGOSanford's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 7,845 (From 681 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 128,495 Points

Bzoonk - The Pub Crawl

Medals Earned: 21/22 (365/465 points)

Abstainer Wannabe 5 Points

Run through one pub without picking up a single beer.

Careful! 5 Points

Your first ever waiter down!

Complete Clean Out 5 Points

Grab all beer bottles in a single pub.

Fast Asleep 5 Points

Doze off in the first pub.

Fire Starter 5 Points

Bring down 5 waiters in one run.

Brawler 10 Points

Bring down 10 waiters in one run.

Chillin' 10 Points

Run through 3 pubs in a row without hitting a single waiter.

Getting The Hang Of It 10 Points

Slide over 40 meters in total.

Heavy Hitter 10 Points

Bring down 20 waiters in one run.

No Waiter Left Standing 10 Points

Put down all waiters in a single pub.

One Nighter 10 Points

Fall asleep before the end of the first night.

The Abstainer 10 Points

Get through 3 pubs in a row without picking up a single beer.

The Beer Collector 10 Points

Grab 30 beer bottles in one run.

War On Beer 10 Points

Pick up all beer bottles in three pubs in a row.

Fast And Furious 25 Points

Slide over 120 meters in total.

Keeping It Tight 25 Points

Make a single slide over 25 meters.

Rookie 25 Points

Get through at least five pubs without falling asleep.

Table Cleaner 25 Points

Slide over 80 meters in total.

Mahatma Gandhi 50 Points

Stumble through 10 pubs in a row without hitting a single waiter.

Peace Walker 50 Points

Get through 5 pubs in a row without hitting a single waiter.

The Prohibitionist 50 Points

Run through 5 pubs in a row without picking up a single beer.

Veteran 100 Points

Keep running for seven nights.

C-19 Conspiracy Story

Medals Earned: 3/3 (30/30 points)

Be the Story 10 Points

You have written the story for the news to print, off to the press we go!

Pulped 10 Points

The first run just wasn't good enough, start again!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Candy Man - Cannibal Saga

Medals Earned: 8/8 (420/420 points)

Spike Medal 10 Points

Win all stages from Level 1

Electric Medal 25 Points

Win all stages from Level 3

Iron Hot Medal 25 Points

Win all stages from Level 2

Ice Medal 50 Points

Win All Stages from Level 4

Candy Man Cannibal 100 Points

Win all Levels, Win the Game

Hard Candy Medal 100 Points

Win game on Hard Candy Mode

Plant Medal 100 Points

Win all stages from level 5

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Cannon Block Ball

Medals Earned: 4/7 (65/265 points)

001 5 Points

Complete level 1

005 10 Points

Complete level 5

010 25 Points

Complete level 10

015 25 Points

Complete level 15

020 50 Points

Complete level 20

025 50 Points

Complete level 25

027 100 Points

Complete level 27

Car Toons!

Medals Earned: 16/16 (455/455 points)

Charity act 5 Points

Click on the sponsor's link

Good parking 5 Points

Complete 12 levels with all parking spaces occupied

Novice 5 Points

Complete 12 levels

Protect the law 5 Points

Ram 10 bad vehicles off the screen

Trust 5 Points

Rate the game with a high score (Done? OK I believe you, click on this achievement to earn it)

Brutal Law 10 Points

Ram 20 bad vehicles off the screen

Driver 10 Points

Complete 24 levels

Next to the mall 10 Points

Complete 24 levels with all parking spaces occupied

All occupied! 25 Points

Complete 36 levels with all parking spaces occupied

Professional 25 Points

Complete 36 levels

Very easy 25 Points

Complete 12 levels in time

We serve, we care 25 Points

Ram 30 bad vehicles off the screen

Full speed ahead! 50 Points

Complete 24 levels in time

Use the force! 50 Points

Use special abilities 15 times

High speed 100 Points

Complete 36 levels in time

Jedi! 100 Points

Use special abilities 30 times

Cargo Truck Racer

Medals Earned: 6/13 (35/395 points)

001 5 Points

Complete level 1

002 5 Points

Complete level 2

003 5 Points

Complete level 3

004 5 Points

Complete level 4

005 5 Points

Complete level 5

006 10 Points

Complete level 6

007 10 Points

Complete level 7

008 25 Points

Complete level 8

009 25 Points

Complete level 9

010 50 Points

Complete level 10

011 50 Points

Complete level 11

012 100 Points

Complete level 12

100% 100 Points

Collect all the stars in each level


Medals Earned: 6/6 (30/30 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Cathode Raybots

Medals Earned: 3/16 (15/80 points)

Channel Flipper 5 Points

Defeat the Regular TV crew.

N00Binator 5 Points

Kill the N00bs.

Unpatriotic 5 Points

Defeat the Patriots.

67 Deep Sixer 5 Points

Defeat the 67 Bots.

Bad Dude 5 Points

Defeat the Bad Dudes.

Butt Pincher 5 Points

Defeat the HUGE Jerks.

Castle Crusher 5 Points

Defeat the Castle Crashers.

Emotikiller 5 Points

Kill the NG Emotes.

Evil Slayer 5 Points

Defeat the Evil Bosses.

Gang Banger 5 Points

Defeat 10 random bosses.

Hate the Game 5 Points

Defeat the VG Legends.

Jerk Killer 5 Points

Defeat the Jerk Squad.

Killer of Legends 5 Points

Kill the legendary characters.

Proletariat 5 Points

Defeat the Bourgeois.

Travisty 5 Points

Defeat the Travis Bots.

Troll 5 Points

Defeat the NG Folks.

CaverMan 2020

Medals Earned: 3/11 (55/250 points)

Prehistoric Onion 5 Points

Find the Hidden Chaman and the Prehistoric Onion

CaverDance 25 Points

Make Caverman to dance, win level 2

Get on your feet 25 Points

Help caverman to get up to be a raised homosapiens, win level 1

Big Feet Bros 5 Points

Defeat Big Feet Bros, win level 5

Prehistoric Banana 5 Points

Find the Hidden Chaman and the Prehistoric Banana

Prehistoric Eggplant 10 Points

Find the hidden Prehistoric Eggplant

Bad Sculptors 25 Points

Defeat the Bad Sculptors, win level 6

Fire 25 Points

Look for Unga, Win Level 4

Love Rocks 25 Points

Fall in love with Unga, win level 3

Caverman and Unga 50 Points

Rescue Unga and take her back home, Win Level 7

First Taco Ever 50 Points

Win the NEW LEVEL, the circle rock level, make the first taco ever


Medals Earned: 2/9 (20/175 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!